Hello Peak lovers! ❤
First off, thank you guys so much for 350+ likes on Facebook! Your support means the world to us. Because of this, we have some exciting news for you guys - Peak's very first GIVEAWAY CONTEST! Here's how to enter:
1. Like us on Facebook if you haven't already, and share our post about this contest!
2. Answer 3 questions (pictured below) correctly by commenting on this post, or on our contest post on Facebook or YouTube.
3. You must live in the United States to participate.
4. The last day to comment is July 28th, 2017.
10 Winners will be announced on July 31st on our Facebook page as well as here, on our website. Once the winners are announced, you will have 1 week to respond to us by messaging us on FB or emailing us at: marketing@peakmusicstands.com
Question 1
Question 2